Planning the Perfect Movie Night for Kids
Tired of your daily routine and looking to plan something for your family and the little ones, who have been waiting for an outing or a movie day from you? Well, instead of going for a movie, why don’t you get the movie to your home? Give them the best movie night, which will put a smile on their face and make them happy spending their evening at home after a heavy week at school and the challenges they face growing up. A well-organized movie night is sure to bring in a wide smile of excitement and joy.
Organizing movie night at home is not easy, so Splash N Bounce has some exciting products and services which will help you to hold the movie night. So, here are some ideas to make the movie night excited and interesting for your kids and their friends.
Creative Invitations

Doesn’t sound very important right? This small gesture of having invitations created and sending it over to the young movie attendees is enough to get them to look forward to the night with great enthusiasm. An Invite designed creatively like a movie ticket is sure to give the kids the vibe of a real movie. Alternatively an E-invite would bring in the equal amount of enthusiasm. Along with the invite, some goodies would be a great sidekick with it so that when they see it, they get excited and wait for the D-day. The goodies should be useful and bring a smile on their face.
Movie Decorations

Don’t you want to give the little guests a grand entrance? To keep up with the enthusiasm of the kids you need to decorate the place with the right decorative items. Here are some provided by Splash N Bounce like the inflatable screen, popcorn machine, candy floss machine, plain helium balloon. You can hire inflatable screen so that it can give a feel of theatre to the kids. Decorate the entire room with balloons so when kids enter it makes them feel like they’re in for a ride. At the entrance of the room, you can place the popcorn machine and the candy floss machine. Kids can also come in their comfy clothes to make them feel relax and have a comfy environment.
Seating arrangements

If there are friends of a kid coming over, then they should have a comfortable place to sit rather than making the area congested and uncomfortable. You can set up a proper theatre arrangement by renting tables and chairs based on the age of the kids. It will give the kids an appropriate feel of the theatre. Decorate the place with some balloons, paper crafts along with the chairs so that the children get comfortable. The chairs could also be used post the movie for a small snack time by rearranging the same the way you want.
Popcorn machine and Candy floss machine

What good is a movie without our favorite movie snack? Get the popcorn machine for the kids to have something to bite on when the movie reaches its nail biting scenes. If you rent the popcorn machine, you get a representative to operate the machine, so you don’t have to worry about preparing the popcorns during the movie night. You can have different flavors of the popcorn as per the kids taste along with the popcorn you can keep some healthy juice for the kids. An alternate option as the candy floss machine would work great. The kids can enjoy popcorn or candy floss while watching the movie as snacks, along with health drinks.
Kids choose the movie

Give them the choice of selection. You can select the top five-six movies which you think kids will enjoy as per the kids’ choice and make the kids choose any one movie of their choice. Play the winning movie and if time permits surprise them with a back to back movie marathon. Use the inflatable screen as it will give a proper theatre feel to the kids and they’ll enjoy it more rather watching on a small screen.
These are some of the tips for planning a movie night for the kids. They can enjoy as well as have some lovely memories to remember. By pre-preparing, for the night it helps you to reduce the stress during the movie night and helps you to enjoy and spend some affordable and precious time with your kids.